#!/bin/bash ############################################## ## The official installer for instantOS ## ############################################## # Main startup script source /root/instantARCH/moduleutils.sh if ! whoami | grep -iq '^root'; then echo "not running as root, switching" curl -Lg git.io/instantarch | sudo bash exit fi if [ -e /usr/share/liveutils ]; then pgrep instantmenu || echo "preparing installation OK" | instantmenu -c -bw 4 -l 2 & else # print logo echo "" echo "" curl -s 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/instantOS/instantLOGO/main/ascii.txt' | sed 's/^/ /g' echo "" echo "" fi # this is duplicate code but getting rid of it would require much more code updaterepos() { pacman -Sy --noconfirm || return 1 if pacman -Si bash 2>&1 | grep -iq 'unrecognized archive'; then echo 'getting new mirrorlist' curl -s 'https://archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=all&protocol=http&protocol=https&ip_version=4&use_mirror_status=on' | sed 's/^#//g' >/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist rm /var/lib/pacman/sync/* pacman -Sy --noconfirm || return 1 if pacman -Si bash 2>&1 | grep -iq 'unrecognized archive'; then echo 'still problems, shuffling mirrorlist' curl -s 'https://archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=all&protocol=http&protocol=https&ip_version=4&use_mirror_status=on' | sed 's/^#//g' | shuf >/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist rm /var/lib/pacman/sync/* fi pacman -Sy --noconfirm || return 1 fi } # prevent multiple instances from being launched if [ -e /tmp/instantarchpid ]; then echo "pidfile found" if kill -0 "$(cat /tmp/instantarchpid)"; then notify-send "installer already running, please do not start multiple instances" exit 1 fi else echo "$$" >/tmp/instantarchpid fi if ! command -v imenu; then touch /tmp/removeimenu fi command -v tzupdate && ! pgrep tzupdate && sudo tzupdate & # updated mirrorlist echo "updating mirrorlist" curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/instantOS/instantOS/main/repo.sh | bash # download imenu curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/instantOS/imenu/main/imenu.sh >/usr/bin/imenu chmod 755 /usr/bin/imenu while ! command -v imenu; do echo "installing imenu" curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/instantOS/imenu/main/imenu.sh >/usr/bin/imenu chmod 755 /usr/bin/imenu done setinfo() { if [ -e /usr/share/liveutils ]; then pkill instantmenu fi echo "$@" >/opt/instantprogress echo "$@" } if command -v python; then echo "import time; time.sleep(10009)" | python & sleep 2 pkill python3 fi if ! command -v git; then while [ -z "$CONTINUEINSTALLATION" ]; do if ! updaterepos || ! pacman -S git --noconfirm --needed; then yes | pacman -Scc updaterepos else export CONTINUEINSTALLATION="true" fi done fi # ensure git is working if ! git --version; then if git --version 2>&1 | grep -i glibc; then echo "upgrading glibc" pacman -Sy glibc --noconfirm || exit 1 fi if ! git --version; then echo "git is not working on your system." echo "installing instantOS requires git to be installed and working" exit 1 fi fi cd /root || exit 1 if [ -e instantARCH ]; then echo "removing previous instantARCH data" rm -rf instantARCH fi if [ "$1" = "test" ]; then echo "switching to testing branch" export TESTBRANCH="${2:-testing}" if [ -n "$3" ]; then export CUSTOMINSTANTREPO="$3" fi echo "using installer branch $TESTBRANCH" git clone --single-branch --branch "$TESTBRANCH" --depth=1 https://github.com/instantos/instantARCH.git export INSTANTARCHTESTING="true" else git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/instantos/instantARCH.git fi cd instantARCH || exit 1 mkdir config &>/dev/null git rev-parse HEAD >config/instantarchversion # use alternative versions of the installer if [ -n "$1" ]; then case "$1" in "manual") if ! [ -e /root/manualarch ]; then echo "no manual instantARCH version found. Please clone it to /root/manualarch" sleep 5 echo "exiting" exit fi rm -rf ./* cp -r /root/manualarch/* . export INSTANTARCHMANUAL="true" ;; *) echo "running normal installer version" ;; esac fi chmod +x ./*.sh chmod +x ./*/*.sh isdebug() { if { [ -n "$INSTALLDEBUG" ] || [ -e /tmp/installdebug ] }; then echo 'debugging mode is enabled' return 0 else return 1 fi } if isdebug; then echo 'debugging mode enabled' if [ -e /tmp/debugname ]; then echo "debugging name: $(cat /tmp/installdebug)" fi fi ./depend/depend.sh ./artix/preinstall.sh if [ -n "$INSTANTARCHTESTING" ]; then echo "install config" iroot installtest 1 fi [ -e /usr/share/liveutils ] && pkill instantmenu cd /root/instantARCH || exit ./ask.sh || { if ! [ -e /opt/instantos/installcanceled ] && ! iroot cancelinstall; then imenu -m "ask failed" echo "ask failed" && exit else rm /opt/instantos/installcanceled instantwallpaper set /usr/share/instantwallpaper/defaultphoto.png # clear up installation data rm -rf /root/instantARCH pkill instantosinstall sleep 1 pkill -f instantosinstall pkill instantosinstaller sleep 1 pkill -f instantosinstaller exit fi } if ! iroot confirm; then echo "no confirmation found, installation cancelled" exit fi unset IMENUACCEPTEMPTY chmod +x ./*.sh chmod +x ./**/*.sh # pacstrap base system echo "local install" ./localinstall.sh 2>&1 | tee /opt/localinstall && echo "system install" && ./systeminstall.sh 2>&1 | tee /opt/systeminstall # install rest of the system pkill imenu pkill instantmenu sudo pkill imenu sudo pkill instantmenu sleep 2 uploadlogs() { echo "uploading installation log" cat /opt/localinstall >/opt/install.log if [ -e /opt/systeminstall ]; then cat /opt/systeminstall >>/opt/install.log fi cd /opt || exit cp /root/instantARCH/data/netrc ~/.netrc curl -n -F 'f:1=@install.log' ix.io } if isdebug && [ -e /tmp/debugname ]; then echo "debug name: $(cat /tmp/debugname)" fi # ask to reboot, upload error data if install failed if [ -z "$INSTANTARCHTESTING" ] && ! isdebug; then if ! [ -e /opt/installfailed ] || ! [ -e /opt/installsuccess ]; then if command -v installapplet; then notify-send "rebooting" sleep 2 if iroot logging; then uploadlogs sleep 2 fi reboot fi else dialog --msgbox "installation failed please go to https://instantos.github.io/instantos.github.io/support for assistance or error reporting" 1000 1000 echo "uploading error data" echo "installaion failed" uploadlogs fi else uploadlogs fi if [ -e /tmp/removeimenu ]; then rm /usr/bin/imenu fi echo "installation finished" echo "" echo "" curl -s 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/instantOS/instantLOGO/main/ascii.txt' | sed 's/^/ /g' echo "" echo "" echo "the system can now be safely rebooted"