
Opening a terminal

A terminal can be opened up by pressing Return on an empty tag or super + Return at any time. You can also use the mouse by middle clicking on the status bar in the top right. The Super + Space application launcher can also launch any application in a terminal. Press shift + left/right arrow key while using the launcher to switch ti terminal mode.

Copy paste

To highlight text, hold down the shift key and drag out the selection using your mouse. You can then press Ctrl + Shift + C to copy the selected text and Ctrl + Shift + V to paste it.


By default, all terminals open in a tmux session. This allows for features like tabs, split windows and detaching from the session. Tmux is very well documented so this manual won’t go into detail about it.


The terminal emulator in use is Luke Smith’s st build that you can find here Some keybindings have been changed but otherwise it is unaltered. Colors can be changed from Xresources, but please read this before doing any theming.